Sunday, April 29, 2012

supervision Vs. Leadership - An assessment of Interdependence

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How is supervision Vs. Leadership - An assessment of Interdependence

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Leadership and supervision have been the focus of study and attentiveness since the dawn of time. Over time leadership and supervision have been seen as separate entities, but those times have past. It is this paper's intent to prove that good supervision is incumbent upon the success and quality of the leadership that drives it, and by proxy, so too will poor leadership bring poor supervision that will lead to poor results, and decreased levels of success.

From the great minds in supervision theory: Fayol, Taylor, and Weber; homage being paid to Barnard and Mayo, as well as Maslow, Mintzberg, Drucker and Porter; to the great minds in leadership development: Jung, McClelland and Burnham, this paper intends to gawk them all and bring them together as is required in this cheaper and these times.

Much time, effort, and money has been settled into the study of both supervision and leadership successes. Mintzberg and Drucker have done some of the best and most informative work at bringing supervision and leadership together; now, with the rising costs of overhead and decreasing behalf margins, now is the time to associate the dots, once and for all.

Leadership and supervision have been the focus of study and attentiveness since the dawn of time. Reference biblical scripture that questions the leadership decisions of King David and the managerial prowess of Moses and his exodus to the "Promised Lands" (Cohen, 2007); Plato helped us to conduct the Republic while Machiavelli helped us to formulate our idea of what a Prince should laid out (Klosko, 1995); Shakespeare questioned Hamlet's decision production (Augustine & Adelman, 1999) and trumpeted Henry Iv's managerial effectiveness (Corrigan, 1999). John Stuart Mill gave us the "shining city upon a hill", while Hegel taught us the "elements of the doctrine of right" and Marx taught us how to conduct a population in his overly popularized (and oft misunderstood) manifestos (Klosko, 1995). Thomas Payne rewrote leadership to the basic levels of coarse Sense, while Thomas Jefferson acknowledged that in the supervision of a people, you must remember that "all men are created equal" and that they mouth certain degree of"unalienable Rights". Countless others have come to the covering over the span of time, all promoting a new or improved way to both conduct and lead their people. (And hopefully yours, too, if you're willing to pay for it.) However, straight through it all, one thing has remained constant; population are not autonomous entities that will answer the same to every situation. population are evolving, thinking, emotionally and socially aware of all that is around them; they are motivated straight through distinct methods and they are driven by differing levels of success (McClelland & Burnham, 1995). Over time, leadership and supervision have been seen as separate entities, but no more: it is, therefore, this paper's intent to prove that good supervision is incumbent upon the success and quality of the leadership that drives it, and by proxy, so too will poor leadership bring poor supervision that will lead to poor results, and decreased levels of success. In today's fast paced environments, supervision requires leadership; you cannot have one without the other and still attain the success that you desire.

Reference any supervision text or publication and you will inevitably come across the obligatory references to the great minds in supervision theory: Fayol - the first to identify supervision as a "discipline" to be studied (Brunsson, 2008), Taylor's scientific supervision of industrial work and workers (Safferstone, 2006), and Weber's bureaucracy; homage must also be paid to Barnard, Kotter, Bennis, and Mayo, as well as Maslow, Mintzberg, Drucker, and Porter (Lamond, 2005). These great minds have helped to forge the way for the supervision field and helped to better supervision teams across the world. The world of "leadership study" carries quite the similar pedigree; ironically, it also carries many of the same names. It is, however, this author's conception that many of the additions to the pool of knowledge on leadership were not made known until the study of science of mind was made more fashionable by the likes of Freud and Jung. Management, it appears, is a tool to better the bottom line and productivity, whereas leadership is one of those studies that is to be improved straight through the person's quality to be in touch with their personality, traits, motives and effects on the human elements of productivity.

There appears be some coincidence in the timing of the juxtaposition of the terms "management" and "leadership" and the correlation to the fact that most literature post 1950 seems to cross pollinate the two phrases. It is quite possible that this, the historical time for post war boom, is where production was at article highs and supervision of production was not as key as the supervision of population perhaps drawn from a communal recognition that population were not to be managed, but rather, they were to be valued members of the team, and therefore, to be led - it is speculative, but it appears obvious that entering the 1960's, most literature intertwines the "leaders" and the "managers" into the same professional classification.

Carl Jung (1923) posits that population carry definite traits and that those traits cannot be altered. However, much time exertion and money has been settled into the study of both supervision and leadership traits, tendencies, styles, and successes. Why is this? One trust is that Jung only half analyzes the someone and that more than your traits affect your leadership possible (de Charon, 2003). This affords the opening for you to learn skills vital to come to be a better leader, even if that means understanding who you are and what your tendencies are, in order to counteract them. Jung's work with personality traits has come to be the hallmark to virtually every professional development and personal development policy on the market. Jung stipulates that every someone has any mixture of sixteen distinct personality types. By definition, knowing these personality types helps you to better negotiate your way straight through the situation in order to attain the maximum production desired (Anastasi, 1998).

Running in concert to Jung's ideas are those of Henry Mintzberg. Mintzberg stipulates that much has changed since Fayol's estimation in 1916; gone are the days when the "picture of a employer was a reflective planner, organizer, leader, and controller" (Pavett & Lau, 1983). Mintzberg breaks the manager's job into ten roles, divided into three areas: interpersonal, informational, and decisional (2004):

Interpersonal Roles
Informational Roles
Decisional Roles
Disturbance handler
Resource allocator
(Lussier & Achua, 2007).

Ironically, in today's interpretation of a leader, one would be hard pressed to find a leader whom is unable to do all of the above, and then some. Mintzberg, in later publications, however, goes much added in his estimation of managers and their roles in the organization. In a collaborative exertion with Jonathon Gosling, the two rule the five mindsets of a employer (2003). They break the five mindsets into:

1. Managing self: the reflective mindset; where the efficient employer is able to reflect upon the history (current and aged) to generate a better hereafter thoughprovoking forward.

2. Managing the organization: the analytical mindset; here referencing a tennis match, where the employer must be cognizant of the crowd and their reaction, but also focusing on the ball itself.

3. Managing context: the worldly mindset; thinking globally and looking for the unorthodox solution.

4. Managing relationships: the collaborative mindset; where the employer is able to engage the employees and moves beyond empowerment [which "implies that population who know the work best somehow receive the blessing of their managers to do it (Kibort, 2004)] into commitment.

5. Managing change: the activity mindset; "imagine your club as a chariot pulled by wild horses. These horses laid out the emotions, aspirations, and motives of all the population in the organization. holding a steady policy requires just as much skill in steering around to a new direction" (Gosling & Mintzberg, 2003, p. 54-63).

Gosling and Mintzberg halt with one very thoughprovoking point. They stipulate that, unlike Pavett & Lau (1983) that good managers are able to look beyond the desire to fix problems with simple reorganizations. In fact, they argue that hierarchy plays a very small role in the actual completion of tasks on the unit level and can only lead to more bureaucracy. Which leads one to ask the question: who is to faultless those unit level tasks and solve those problems related with people?

There is no definitive definition of what leadership is, as it appears to change form and focus for each personel study. For the purposes of this paper, however, the definition set forth by Lussier & Achua (2007) seems to fit best: "Leadership is the influencing process of leaders and followers to perform organizational objectives straight through change" (p.6). How do we compare leadership and management? The coarse misconception is that it is something that should be compared "straight up", or "even Steven". Obviously, there are natural leaders and persons in positions of communal authority throughout every facility, and yes, it is incumbent upon the managers and leaders to empower those population to support the thorough mission. Admittedly, some of these population may never come to be managers, but their role in the premise is of the utmost importance.

However, as managers are an industry definite entity, it is ridiculous to try and compare leadership to supervision covering of the constraint of the supervision role. Recognizing and accepting the constraint of the comparison, it must be acknowledged that in industry, you cannot have good leadership without good management; and in certain juxtaposition, poor leadership leads to poor success rates for the management. It seems apparent that our supervision staffs should concentrate on growing employees into leaders, to finally come to be managers; but if the managers themselves are not leaders yet, then much difficulties will soon befall upon that company. As Peter Drucker will tell you, it is imperative to build a strong supervision team, centered around strong leadership. In thinner times, gone are the days of two population for every position. Here are the days when a flourishing firm is able to package good managerial skills into every leader, and good leadership skills into every manager. Failure to do so will succeed in failure to succeed.

"Drucker devotes vital exertion and space to defining the nature and role of management. This discussion also focuses on the nature and value of leadership in the organization. According to Drucker, leadership gives the club meaning, defines and nurtures its central values, creates a sense of mission, and builds the systems and processes that lead to flourishing performance" (Wittmeyer, 2003).

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