Monday, August 20, 2012

The Evolution of Leadership: An academic Perspective - Nu Leadership Series

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How is The Evolution of Leadership: An academic Perspective - Nu Leadership Series

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Let's focus closely on the modern development of leadership thought. According to Georgia Sorenson, author of An Intellectual History of Leadership Studies: The Role of James MacGregor Burns, the word "leader" first appeared in the 1300s and stemmed from the root leden, meaning "to travel" or "show the way." Leadership was defined five centuries later. Traditionally, managing both the technical and human components has posed problems for leaders for centuries.

Between 1945 and 1960, leadership scholars spent more of their attempt on empirical research; however, from the 1970s onward, this study became law driven. In developing strategies for this problem, researchers and practitioners have either adopted a "scientific" or "behavioral" approach. This fact is where the school of administration idea evolved. The school of administration provides a theoretical framework for learning leadership thought.

Over the decades, administration gurus have tried to establish and classify this large data related to management, and this is how the schools of administration idea started. We will discuss the following schools: (a) the classical school, (b) the behavioral school, (c) the quantitative or administration science school, (d) the systems school, and (e) the contingency school. Let's explore these schools more closely.

Era Snapshot:

The classical school idea began in the 1800s. During that time, over 90% of Americans lived rurally. Between 1870-1900s, rural areas doubled and urban areas tripled. With the transition from a rural to industrial society, leaders lacked a process to motivate the unskilled workforce.

Conversely, the industrial Revolution brought new jobs, mostly filled by immigrants. Although the Mid-19th Century America was a land of opportunity, workers were living in awful conditions while the industrial elites benefited. This period, then, created a host of new advances and new problems for organizational leaders.

Classical School

The classical school, which is the oldest formal school of administration thought, commonly focused on ways to administrate work and organizations more efficiently. It can be supplementary grouped into three areas which are scientific management, executive management, and bureaucratic management. We will briefly discuss these areas and the foremost advocates.

Scientific administration began in the 1880s. Previously, administration decisions were viewed as arbitrary, and workers operated at a slow pace. Scientific administration was advanced to create a systematic recipe to improve efficiency. The key proponents were Frederick W. Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Henry Gantt.

Administrative administration began in the 1940s. Unlike scientific management, executive administration focused largely on jobs and work at the individual level of analysis. It provided a more normal law of management. The key proponent was Henri Fayol.

Bureaucratic administration began in the 1920s. Earlier organizations were personality- and relationship-driven. A proposed form of club called bureaucratic administration was characterized by group of labor, hierarchy, formalized rules, impersonality, and the selection and promotion of employees based on ability. The key proponent was Max Weber.

Era Snapshot:

When the behavioral idea began in the 1930s, there was a global depression that brought an abrupt shift from the fun-loving lifestyles of the Roaring 20s. As Socialists proclaimed the death of capitalism, Adolf Hitler was rising to power in Germany.

Technology was still progressing as global transportation increased. Roosevelt's New Deal brought large governmental intervention into societal problems. Unfortunately, it was also the beginning of World War Ii in 1939.

Behavioral School

As a ensue of perceived weaknesses in the assumptions contained in the classical school, the behavioral school of administration idea was created. Some felt that the classical school emphasized efficiency while disregarding the aspect of human behavior in organizations.

The behavioral school focused on trying to understand the factors that affect human behavior at work. The behavioral school was two subgroups, human relations and behavior science.

Human Relations can be traced to the Hawthorne Experiments in 1924 and finished in the early 1930s. Two necessary discoveries from the Hawthorne Experiments were found: a) workers' attitudes are related with productivity and b) the workplace is a group law with informal group influences.

According to the human relation school, the owner should possess necessary skills for diagnosing the causes of human behavior at work so that he could effectively lead employees. Some of the best-known contributors consist of Mary Parker Follett, Chester Barnard, Abraham Maslow, and Elton Mayo. Today, this school has influenced administration law and institution in such areas as applied psychology.

Behavior Science emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. Behavior science was a natural progression of the human relations school of thought. It focused primarily on applying conceptual and analytical methods to the qoute of understanding and predicting human behavior in the workplace.

Some of the major contributors consist of Douglas McGregor, Frederick Herzberg, and Ralph Stogdill. This school has contributed to the study of administration by focusing on some areas such as personality, values, and leadership.

Era Snapshot:

When the quantitative idea began, it was a decade dominated by World War Ii, which was widely viewed as the most destructive war in history. This decade marked the transition duration Between the radical 1930s and the conservative 1950s.

One the economic front, the Marshall Plan, implemented by the Us, gave billions of dollars for reconstructing war-devastated economies. Technology was being designed for major destruction. The first nuclear bomb was created, which dramatically changed international relationships.

Quantitative School

This school emerged in the 1940s. The quantitative school objective was to growth the quality of managerial decision-making by applying mathematical and statistical approaches.

This school was derived from the scientific management. The quantitative school was in three subgroups: administration science, production, and operations management.

Management Science advanced During World War Ii as strategists tried to solve war related problems. administration Science utilizes mathematical and statistical approaches to solve administration problems.

Management data Systems and administration Science are interconnected. The key proponent was George Dantzig. Today, this approach is being used in industry. An example would be a decision reserve system.

Production and Operations Management

This school began in the 1940s. It focuses on doing and control of the output process. Its roots were similar to administration science because it resulted from the war. Operational administration targets productivity and quality of an organization.

The key proponent was W. Edward Deming. Some of the areas of study consist of computer integrated manufacturing and just-in-time inventory systems.

Era Snapshot:

When the systems idea began in the 1950s, the decade echoed the return of conservative values
and the return to the 1920s-type buyer society. The 1950s marked a rapid rise in the disagreement with the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union.

The Cold War generated the Arms Race, Space Race, McCarthyism, and the Korean War. It also marks
the return of the Gis and a baby boom. There was a high rate of unionization in industry and most of the technology supported the Cold War.

During this time, most of the earlier internal American problems such as women's proprietary and civil proprietary were now suppressed as Americans settled into suburban life; however, suppressing these group issues would have a necessary impact on the 20th Century.

Systems School

This school began to have a strong impact in the 1950s. The law school focused on understanding the club as an open law that transforms inputs into output.

Managing techniques that would allow managers to report distinct specialties and parts of the company to one other as well as external factors were used. In the systems theory, an club is defined as a law with objectives. The school is built on the works of Ludwid von Bertalanffy, a biologist.

Era Snapshot:

When the contingency idea began in the 1960s, the decade was a time of great group changes in the country. Many of the changes were reflective of the demographic changes brought by the baby boom generation, height of the Cold War, and dissolution of the European colonial empires.

The group revolution, civil proprietary movement, anti-War movements, human proprietary movement, and the Counterculture movement settled America in an unstable position. During this timeframe, protectionist, command, and mixed economies reached a peak.

Contingency School

This school began in 1960s. The contingency school focused on applying administration law and processes primarily dictated by each unique situation. In the contingency theory, a leader's quality to lead is contingent upon various situational factors. Its application has been on administration issues such as organizational design, job design, motivation, and leadership style.

A few of the major contributors are Fred Fiedler, Joan Woodward, and Paul Lawrence. The Contingency law states that the leader's quality to lead is contingent upon various situational factors.

Obviously, these schools made a necessary contribution to modern day management, and these early results provide a blueprint for the current leadership paradigms in organizations.


Barnet, T. (n.d.). administration Thought. Received on February 15, 2006 from

Bass, B. (1999). Bass & Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership. New York, Ny: The Free Press.

Krooss, H. & Gilbert, C. (1972). American company history. Englewood Cliffs, Nj: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Northouse, P. (2004). Leadership law and Practice. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications.

Sedl. (2006). History of leadership research. Received on February 10, 2006 from

Sorenson, G. (2002). An intellectual history of leadership studies: The role of james macGregor burns. American Political Science Association. 1-16.

Whitsett, D. & Yorks, L. (1995). From administration law to company sense. San Francisco, Ca: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Wikipedia. (2006). Received on February 16, 2006 from
Wren, D. (2005). The Evolution of administration Thought. Hooboken, Nj: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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